The name is Oddball, because honestly that's who I am. I've never fit in anywhere completely, even amongst close friends. But I'm not upset that I can't fit in anywhere, because being the way I am has perks. I love my taste in music, I love the classics I read, I love the fandoms I'm in, and I love the friends I do make, as crazy and weird as they are.
The one thing I love most of all though, is writing. One of the greatest pleasures in the world to me is sitting down with the pen, and writing my heart away. Ironically though, I never really took to heart the thought of blogging. I always thought that even if I did I wouldn't even know what to do with it and forget it exsists, leaving it in the vast regions of cyberspace. But, the more I wrote the more I was inspired to do something with my creations. So, here I am.
This blog is meant for multiple things, including random poetry, movie/TV show reviews, political opinion, and inspiration for others. It's meant for anyone, and everyone. No one is excluded.
The show will begin soon, and I will show you the regions of my mind. For now, we wait for morning when it all comes to light.
See you soon. :)
Quote: "Even the smallest can change the course of the future." ~Gandalf
Impatiently waiting on your latest piece.